singer-songwriter, guitarist, worship leader... benjamin coy
:::June 6, 2006:::
Of course, the new site is up and running...
A bit has happend, more songs have been written, an occupational change, and a new ministry.
Some friends of mine and I have started a ministry for young adults/college folks called "The Well"::: I've been leading worship for the youth group at the Surfside PCA church for about a year and a half and started leading at The Well this past January. Starting on Memorial Day, we began hosting a couple hundred folks from Campus Outreach::: Only 2 weeks in and its been alot of fun.
I get to work with some really incredible musicians from the coastal area - and we seem to be creating a real organic folk-rocky sound. I'm not sure if the music will make it on the webcasts (downloadable) but perhaps from time to time I'll see that the originals get on it. You can catch them here and look for the 6:30 services.